
Welcome to the Upsilon Alpha chapter website!


Upsilon Alpha Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society, simply referred to as Sigma, is making plans to further our mission, expand our knowledge, and foster a vibrant and lively professional association. 
Each member builds a link to the next that extends our impact just that much further!
Get involved today and engage in many of the upcoming chapter events or consider membership in a committee. 
Contact a member of the Board of Directors for further information about internships and committee membership 
and visit this website for all the latest activities and news about our chapter.

Board of Directors:

Emily Prendeville, BSN, President, emilycprendeville@gmail.com

Dr. Janice Farber, Vice President, farberj@moravian.edu

Charlene Weiner, BSN, Secretary, weinerc@moravian.edu

Dr. Shirley Guider, Treasurer, guiders@moravian.edu

Trisha Patel, MSN, Governance Chairperson

Dr. Paulette Dorney, Leadership succession, dorneyp@moravian.edu

Dr. Taylor Grube, Faculty Counselor, grubet@moravian.edu

Dr. Pam Adamshick & Dr. Deb Halliday, Community Service

Dr. Elise Colancecco & Mike Neel, BSN, Research Committee, colanceccoe@moravian.edu

Kim Jones, MSN, Fundraising, JonesKim@gmail.com

Dr. Deb Halliday, Past President, halliday@moravian.edu

Katie Johnson, (Cohort 9) Membership Ambassador



Chapter News

Past President: Deb Halliday: Leadership that Sparks Success

Historic First for Upsilon Alpha: CHAPTER KEY AWARD

We are pleased to let all our members know that our Sigma Chapter (Upsilon Alpha) has been selected as a recipient of the 2023 Chapter Key Award. This is not just an award but a testament to the unwavering dedication and efforts of all our outstanding members! This is recognized as quite an accomplishment given the extraordinary circumstances of the biennium. Together we have accomplished more!
This represents a collective and continuous goal of our organization. Under the inspirational leadership of Dr. Deb Halliday, this goal has been achieved. Several took time to write/complete the Chapter Key Award application including Deb Halliday, Paulette Dorney, Emily Prendeville, Charlene Weiner, and Shirley Guider.
These awards are presented at the Biennium every two years. The upcoming 47th Biennial Convention is being held in San Antonio, Texas, November 11-15, 2023.  Drs. Deb Halliday and Janice Farber will be accepting the Award for our chapter and bringing the award home to Moravian University!
Congratulations to our Board of Directors and our Membership!

2021-2023 International Presidential CALL TO ACTION: BE BOLD  
President Kenneth Dion




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